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Writer's pictureDr. Patrick E. Crawford

Crucial Conversations

Leadership Thoughts | Issue #129

Nothing fails like success! So said historian Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee is most remembered for his 12-volume A Study of History (1934 - 1961) and his analysis of the growth and decline of 26 civilizations. This concept also applies to organizations. Consider this: when a response meets a challenge, you have success; however, if the challenge increases in complexity or intensity, then the previous successful response no longer works and hence fails. Thus, nothing is as ineffective as success.

Individuals, families, and organizations are confronted with complex challenges at a rate that has increased exponentially. The once-successful solutions will not work for the new problems. Our society is charged with negativity, blame, and polarization. The political and social chaos bleeds into the lives of individuals and organizations. We face new challenges that can't be resolved with yesterday's solutions.

Toynbee used the Challenge and Response Theory to explain how modern technology, social structure, and other significant challenges must be met with new responses. Many of today's challenges in our world and organizations cannot be resolved with yesterday's solutions. I am convinced that individual leaders will not solve complex problems alone. It will take the synergy created by teams of people with the skills and courage to have crucial conversations to find transformational solutions. This issue of Leadership Thoughts delves into the importance of crucial conversations among team members to discover innovative solutions to new challenges.

Prerequisites for Successfully Tackling Confrontations

I have had the pleasure of being part of and working with teams that fostered trust and respect between members, yet we rarely talked through any emotionally charged topics. Regarding high-stakes decisions in which problem-solving conversations are necessary, there are several prerequisites for thriving and successfully tackling the confrontations that may arise when creating new solutions to new challenges.

1. For all to feel secure in expressing their ideas, concerns, and perspectives when facing new challenges, open and honest conversation must be established.

2. The team's success depends on each individual's different outlooks, backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge that they contribute to the discussion.

3. The team should not shy away from disputes and debates to better understand the situation. Only by questioning others and their beliefs can thorough knowledge be obtained.

4. To avoid judging others, possessing emotional intelligence and using active listening techniques while communicating is essential. When these emotions are comprehended and managed, the group can concentrate on finding solutions rather than dealing with unresolved issues.

5. Innovation is a crucial part of overcoming new challenges. However, it's impossible to innovate without accepting experimentation, exploration, and adaptation. Teams need to be open to discussing and exploring potential solutions. Constructive criticism helps the process along and encourages the development of new, innovative strategies.

6. Each member becomes accountable for the outcome when the team collectively decides on a solution. Shared accountability promotes a sense of ownership and commitment to the solution. The team must also learn from both their success and failures.

7. Encouraging crucial conversations within the team will hone their problem-solving skills. Strengthening the members' capacity to analyze issues, gather relevant data, and cooperate to form informed decisions will benefit the organization.

Organizations will have to practice and perfect crucial conversations to adequately tackle the number and enormity of challenges ahead. In an environment of rapid change and ambiguity, these conversations are essential; effective solutions arise from them, as well as new ideas, insight into emotions, and testing assumptions. By creating an atmosphere that encourages open dialogues between people with varying perspectives, teams can tap into the transformative capabilities of crucial conversations to craft solutions and thrive in the face of perpetual transformation.


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